1 - I think burning a book is easier than doing the actual thing which is reading, so I think the reason why Ray Bradbury starts the novel this way because that might represent where the story is headed to.
2 - In the opening scene birds are compared to books because of the ashes.
3 - Montag lives the normal ordinary life like everyone else whil Clarisse lives differently from everyone else.
4 - The technology in the novel compares with the technology we have today was mostly predicted. The technology did not improve the quality of life for them for the reason that there's still people that are committing suicide.
5 - I think the narrator introduces us to Montag at this time of his life when he encounters Larissa and confrontan Mildred's overdose because he wants to show us Montags way of dealing with this or his reaction to it.
6 - I think the author introduces Clarisse before Mildred because he wanted us to meet the good before he bad.
7 - I think all the houses are fire proof because burning down their house might've been an easier way to kill them selves?
8 - Mildred needs emergency service because she tried comitting suicide by overdosing.
9 - The mechanical hound is a dog like those robot dogs, and perhaps the purpose of them is to be used as entertainment.
10 - Clarisse is considered antisocial because she does most things alone.
11 - The woman uses the match to burn the books.
12 - The relationship between Montag and Mildred is very unhealthy, in a way I feel that she is very selfish for making certain decisions.